Archive for August, 2012

Too Funny, Mimi got off, Freesia got on!!!

Talk about monkey see – monkey do. As soon as Mimi got off the back of the couch, little Freesia got right up there and looked very proud. She is my Velvet/Tiger puppy, now about 20 wks old. Cutie…

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My Mimi

Isn’t this funny? Mimi lays on the couch like this to chew her toys or bones. Always cracks me up. She does this even is I am sitting there!!! And yes, I do clean the couch — its the one in my office where they all come running in from outside often muddy…. Letting her enjoy being a puppy for a few more days then off to my handler to start her show career – already — hmm just remember her being born in January — that big litter of eleven Merry/Mondo had. OhOh, getting a bit misty-eyed .. better stop…


New Picture of Pearl

Just got this today – Pearl finishing her Grand Championship – YAY!!!



another good picture of my boy in Chicago…

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Velvet/Tiger puppy

This is TJ for Tiger Jr. – he’s now 4 months old and looking rather large. Great pictures from his “momma”

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Pearl is now a Grand Champion!!!

Yesterday, my Pearlie-girlie finished her Grand Championship. See my entry a couple below all about this… I got Vivi’s certificate and posted it… Anyway, now my two Velvet daughters are GCH’s. Way to go girls!!!!!! And Pearl went Best of Breed of specials dogs too. Not too shabby. Here is a picture from the past. Will post new when I get one.

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These pictures are of my boy Dino – CH Luminary Extreme Dynamite. He lives in Chicago and is seen here looking out at the skyline and at the lake beach. Beautiful pictures. Thank you SheShe (his momma!!!)



This is Mimi – my Merry/Mondo keeper, now 8 months old. Loves to sit on the couch like this.


Pearl is moving right along

Pearl earned another select wed and went OS thurs. Don’t know if anything happened today or if he put Questo in instead of Pearl. Adriano was going to pick and choose this weekend based on the judges and who is showing rather than put both in every day because, often if he wins with a dog, he will not get it for the bitch. Both are doing well though… here is a picture of Pearl from a previous win…

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Vivi’s Grand Championship Cerificate

Quite nice, I think. Rather different from the Championship certificate which, of course I’ve cherished for each dog who finished. Vivi is my first to earn a Grand Championship title. It is something AKC came out with about three or so years ago. So, none of my older ones will be such and maybe not all my future champs either as it is pretty expensive. First you pay your handler and all the ancillary fees to get the championship, then if you decide to go on, you pay alot more for the GCH. But, it is more difficult and does show your dog is a cut above because whereas the championship is earned competing against other unfinished dogs, the GCH is earned competing against other finished champions. Some people say they will never go for it feeling it negates the first championship. But, AKC was the only large dog shows venue in the world without it. I think I will decide based on how each dog does. For instance, Vivi finished her championship in about three weekends of showing pretty much winning points each time. Then she got the GCH in four weekends of showing. So, that’s pretty quick. Her of littermates that I’ve shown, now all finished, one will never get it because he, Mondo finished as a puppy close to turning a year. To compete for the GCH, I would have had to grow his continental and I said, hmmm, nope. But, the other two, Questo and Pearl, I had held back to go into 12-18 mo at PCA so they were already in pattern. Both are about half way to their GCH. Soon, Questo will come home (and I will be looking for a co-ownership home for him) while Pearl will stay with the handler as we are thinking about doing some specialing with her. sigh — more money!!! I must love it…