My Mimi

Isn’t this funny? Mimi lays on the couch like this to chew her toys or bones. Always cracks me up. She does this even is I am sitting there!!! And yes, I do clean the couch — its the one in my office where they all come running in from outside often muddy…. Letting her enjoy being a puppy for a few more days then off to my handler to start her show career – already — hmm just remember her being born in January — that big litter of eleven Merry/Mondo had. OhOh, getting a bit misty-eyed .. better stop…

  1. #1 by Julia on August 30, 2012 - 9:49 am

    So very cute…

  2. #2 by Maria Salpietra on September 14, 2012 - 12:14 am

    I have a little girl who does this, too. I finally relented and let them have the furniture, too. Oh well. being draped in poodles isn’t so bad. Got to figure out how to get these greasy bone stains off my suede couch, though…

  3. #3 by vlaw on September 14, 2012 - 9:26 am

    Yikes, suede? I went to leather long ago…

  4. #4 by Maria Salpietra on October 5, 2012 - 2:29 am

    I was about to throw them out when my dad surprised me with a steam-cleaning. It sure didn’t last. They’re light colored too, but then it was just one poodle in the house when I got them…seems so far away !

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