PCA 2012 — QUITE A WEEK!!!!!!!!

I love PCA every year, but of course love it even more when I have dogs showing. This year was especially sweet because it was the culmination of my “once in a lifetime” project to show enough puppies in a litter to make their mother a Top Producer with her first litter. I chose five out of nine to show. All were pointed as puppies!!!! One male finished as a puppy (Mondo) so I put him in the Parade of Champions, a non-competitive class offered to show off your champions without having to compete at the show. One female finished and became a Grand Champion a bit prior to PCA (Vivi), so she could go in Open class. I pulled the another girl (Ruby) when Vivi did so well because I really didn’t have the money or need to finish five — really only needed three but wanted four to hedge my bets to be sure I made Velvet a TP. And two I held back specifically to put them in 12-18 month classes (Questo & Pearl). Questo and Pearl did very, very well. So exciting to see them at all let along to see them win and place. Now they will go on to finish their championships and I may decide to go further for their Grand Championships. Whew… then I guess I’ll have to grow out Mondo so he to can get a GCH. Hmmm, maybe not… Vivi came home with me and is cut down to be a regular dog — until she has babies!!! It was fun today to watch her and Mondo play — no dogs play together like littermates!!! I’ve posted each dog’s pictures in separate posts below.

  1. #1 by Maria Salpietra on May 2, 2012 - 6:36 pm

    Congratulations, Victoria. Each is more gorgeous than the last.

  2. #2 by vlaw on May 2, 2012 - 7:33 pm

    Thank you Maria. Mondo is enjoying his sister, Vivi at home til she goes off to her co-owner’s in a week or so. Luckily, a woman who has a boy from me wanted another and is taking her while I retain breeding rights!!! yay…

  3. #3 by Julia on May 3, 2012 - 3:44 am

    Wow. Your pups are amazing! I had fun watching them at the show and of course it is always fun watching you react to your pups being in the ring! Congratulations!

  4. #4 by Father Scott on May 8, 2012 - 9:27 am

    Victoria: What impresses me about your achievements in truly making standard poodles better known and loved, your care for all you have raised, the temperaments you cultivate in them, and the care for those who have benefited from your efforts as “caretakers” of the many dogs you have breed , and even their offspring , is the bedrock of love which undergirds it all. You simply do it for love! Keep up your great work!

  5. #5 by vlaw on May 8, 2012 - 3:56 pm

    Thank you Fr. Scott – lovely comment and I appreciate it very much.

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