PJ is carrying FIFTEEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, after her first litter being only 3 and then not conceiveing at all, PJ is now carrying 15 puppies. While you never know of course, usually you lose some with this size litter and on the x-ray a couple looked smaller than the others so those may be the ones. Then of course, maybe they will all survive and I’ll be helping PJ feed them all. Let’s hope so. Losing puppies no matter how many is not fun. I worry in any case but now will be especially on alert. Not that you can usually do much – they either make it or they don’t unless like with one from Merry’s first litter of eleven, one is just small but not anything else wrong and eventually catches up in size but needs a little help from her “gramma” while bitsy. Fifteen is a new record for me. I knew she looked big but never imagined this!!!! She is due this saturday but now could deliver any time so I am officially on puppy watch. I will get Merry’s x-ray on Friday. You don’t do the x-ray til under a week from due date and she is due next week, the 18th. She actually looks bigger than PJ – LOL. Just can’t second guess this stuff — one reason I bred them both is because PJ had only the three and then none so figured if she conceived she would have a small to medium litter. So much for that thought. But, I am never happier than when I have puppies – so I will certainly have a Merry Christmas as well as a busy one. So, stay tuned for Merry’s x-ray results and PJ’s whelping. Everyone send their prayers for PJ to do well… and as a side note send good thoughts for my girl Pearl showing in Florida and the Eukanuba National!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1 by amy on December 11, 2012 - 8:29 pm

    Wow! 15 puppies?? I hope they are all healthy. that is very exciting… Who wouldv’e thought PJ would be the one to break the record. Good luck and keep us posted.

  2. #2 by matt on December 11, 2012 - 11:24 pm

    Wow, you are going to have one full house this Christmas.

  3. #3 by Fr. Scott on December 12, 2012 - 8:58 pm

    No one I know could handle more grand babies at one time than you Victoria, may each be a blessing and enjoy being n our lesser care this Christmas! You and they will be in my prayers!

  4. #4 by Maria Salpietra on December 14, 2012 - 11:09 am

    You’re going to have 30 puppies!! haha :) :) And you would of course probably be thrilled with that.

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