She’s Done

15 is just too many. We lost 7 of them. PJ delivered 13 And then stopped or at least seems to. After hours of nothing I took her to the vet with all her babies in tow. Vet checked blood calcium level – it was fine – did xray – yep, still two more. Did sonogram – one no heartbeat. Did Sam and said thought she was going sliver the two so waited on the oxycitocin shot. I put her babies on to nurse which sometimes stimulates contractions and voila. Sure enoug, PJ managed to deliver both the remaining puppies and yes, one was dead. PJ and babies are back home snuggled in their whelping box. I’m going to bed!!!! Bt not before telling you that I took Merry along for her xray and she is carrying 12!!!!!!! I am not surprised because she looks big again and did have a litter of eleven the first time (unlike OJ having had only three then did not conceive at all and then this 15 – think I am still in shock). But I don’t think Merry’s whelping will be like today. If like her first she will deliver all just fine and they will be big robust puppies. My girls OS this generation are certainly making up for them many litters I had of one two or three or none for quite awhile. Oh well, just have to take things as they come. Now I hope these newborns thrive and will be in there trying to help. I am always on alert the first week. AND on another note – my Pearl got Select yesterday in Orlando -nice given the rather large line up of specials dogs…

  1. #1 by Dora Brown on December 14, 2012 - 5:10 pm

    So sorry Victoria. Butt am glad the rest are doing well. Get some sleep.

  2. #2 by Lynne Gorsage on December 14, 2012 - 5:46 pm

    I am sad for the lost ones, but it sounds from your comments & experience that you are okay & that the remainder are alright. Congratulations on Pearl’s achievement too.

  3. #3 by Maria Salpietra on December 14, 2012 - 6:16 pm

    oh my goodness.. Poor all of ya. Take a nap and get ready for the next round with Merry! How many boys/girls?

  4. #4 by Linda Hallman Hemphill on December 15, 2012 - 2:05 pm

    We’re excited about PJ’s puppies…may they thrive and grow! And Merry’s due on the 18th? — I don’t know how you’re going to do it all – but am confident that you will be stellar!

  5. #5 by vlaw on December 15, 2012 - 5:06 pm

    Merry’s should be “normal”. While her x-ray showed 12 they all looked to be about normal size. We knew from PJ’s x-ray that not only were there 15, they were small, some very small. So, I figured those were already dead and I’d lose some others and that’s the way it went. My breeder-friends said anything over ten you can lose some. I”ve had a couple other 11 litters and lost three and four from those. The only litter over ten that I’ve had and did’t lose any was Merry’s first. Merry have 11 babies her first litter and all were normal sized and healthy, roboust. I can only hope this will be the same.

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