All Puppies Doing Well

I will post picures tomorrow — I hope. I’ve been a bit busy and trying to catch a nap here and there and finish Christmas shopping. Tomorrow I must bathe my girl in show coat too. not complaining — I NEVER complain about having puppies and I truly don’t mind the grooming of a show coat — I kind of luxuriate in it and zone out while doing it. Just takes time. So, tomorrow, tomorrow… But I wanted to quickly let everyone know that the newborns are doing very well. PJ’s are a whole week old today. Merry’s will be sunday. wow.

  1. #1 by Linda Hallman Hemphill on December 22, 2012 - 4:47 pm

    We’re so glad to hear that all are doing well…including YOU!

  2. #2 by amy hulina on December 22, 2012 - 8:41 pm

    Glad to hear all are doing well. Merry Christmas!

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