Viktor and Alastair

These two left together a few days ago. The brown boy is a PJ baby and the black one is a Merry baby, both of course sired by Mondo. Aren’t they adorable together. And both so beautiful. Have to say that the brown boy, Alastair, if I got the names right, I thought and sill do think looks like his momma but in the side view picture he looks just like his maternal grandfather, Marco. Not a bad thing for sure as Marco finished his championship at just 10 months old with three huge wins three days in a row. He couldn’t miss with the looks for sure since PJ is also just beautiful and then there is Mondo added in. Now Viktor, the black boy looks alot like both his daddy Mondo and I see his momma Merry in his expression. Again, couldn’t miss with the looks there either. But sweet too….

  1. #1 by Maria Salpietra on February 22, 2013 - 7:50 am

    so cute. Man, the time sure went fast.

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