Pearl’s weekend

Well yesterday was a bust except of course for me getting to see her in the ring — always a thrill for me no matter. But, I always say I love a dogs show but love it more when my dog wins — LOL… Today, she won. Best of Variety and then went into Nonsporting Group and placed Third!! I will take it — getting to group is always great and doing anything in it is even better. As she places like this she gets more “dogs defeated” numbers which is what they use for their standing. She was Standard Poodle NO. 7 and may be going up since she has won quite a bit more since then. We are hoping she makes it to No. 5. I posted her official BISS picture below but lest you think it is all seriousness here are a couple other pictures — one is quite sweet of her resting on the table waiting to go to group and the other is after she was finished showing. She jumped upon the carton of grooming supplies from her table — apparently she likes it up high.

  1. #1 by Beate Jensen on July 24, 2013 - 10:02 am

    Ha, ha! Tommie likes to be up hight too!

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