
Today not so hectic but more of the same. Julia brought Reny to try just in case but still no go although Mondo still thought she was pretty cute. So, hopefully the AI yesterday does it and we get a new progesterone number in the morning that will hopefully confirm that. Meanwhile, Annie was back at the vet’s on IV fluids all day which does seem to help but we have no new information. Hoping the antibiotics and steroids do the trick but the stuff in her lungs is the long shot… The puppies had less to scream about today as I gave them baby beef twice — I am their new best friend. It always astounds me as to how quickly they learn that. First of all they have a keen sense of smell they have that at birth but not sight or hearing (although they think they hear just a tad). The little noses go up in the air when I walk in the room with an open jar or they stop yelling when they hear the “pop” of the lid if I open it in front of them. And the first couple times I open their mouths to put some in, they fight it a bit. Soon, however they are opening their mouths like baby birds waiting for the beef to slide in. So cute. They are toddling around the box now albeit still falling over a lot but better each day. They have teeth erupting too – so no wonder Velvet is quitting. For some reason, I’m more tired tonight – probably yesterday catching up with me…

  1. #1 by Beate Jensen on July 24, 2013 - 10:06 am

    So sorry to hear about all your troubles! Will send pictures of Tommi and Tasche on vacation to cheer younup…

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