more stuff

nothing major today — yay… just lots of dogs stuff here. mom recuperating — had PT already today. other sister heading home as we speak up in the air somewhere. other sister had planned to stay in TX to watch her grand-dog. mom going into a rehab place on Monday am told. Pearl got another BOV today but nothing in group – got a group four yesterday which was about ten group placings in a row. She is now a Silver Grand Champion (25 pts for GCH, 100 for Bronze and 200 for Silver). And my little Clarrise started her show career today and went Reserve Winner’s Bitch — not bad for first day out. He said she showed like a pro but was surprised. Had expected her to monkey up because she is a little scamp. You just never know how they will do til they are in that ring.. More dogs coming and going tomorrow so for now, see ya.

  1. #1 by Rick on August 16, 2013 - 1:06 pm

    Glad Mom is on the mend. And hooray for Pearl and Clarrise.

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