hanging in there

so strange without my Annie. even with multiple dogs, I miss any one of them when not here. I held her before she ever breathed, I held her when she opened her eyes for the first time and I watched as she decided she was above the shenanigans of her hooligan littermates. she would sit and watch them carry on and then come to me to pick her up as if to “really, why must I be subjected to that”. each of my dogs are a presence in the household and I love each one for their own traits. I peeled an orange this morning and almost couldn’t finish — oranges& strawberries were her favorite thing in the world. she would come running whenever she smelled one and knew when we brought them in from grocery shopping. she especially loved the little clementines. my friend sent me some pictures of Dino and Nala from Chicago to cheer me up. It worked some. Here they are. My beautiful Dino is a Tiara son and sired by the same dog as Velvet. He is quite beautiful and finished his championship as a puppy now five years ago. sigh… and Nala looking quite gorgeous here is a littermate to my PJ, so is a Peri/Marco son. I tried to breed her to Mondo but no go — I tried AI’s with Dino’s semen flown in when she was here, two different times, then Mondo for a natural breeding two different times. So, I gave up with her but you can see from this picture why I tried in the first place — beauty and she is a sweet girl too. oh well, stuff happens. this breeding stuff is not easy. sometimes it goes smoothly and often not. plus I then have more dogs to worry over and cry over -not just the ones I keep but all the ones out there that I produced with my boys and my girls — but I keep going. just some days are harder than others – like yesterday and today. but again, these pictures did cheer me and so are the antics of Vivi who is right now doing everything in her power to cheer me up — maybe that’s not her intent but it is the result — she is flinging herself onto the couch and rolling around, then jumping up and running to me as if to say, “are you watching me”. funny creature. well, here is Dino (black) and Nala (cream)…

  1. #1 by Beate Jensen on September 7, 2013 - 6:28 pm

    Oh how sad! I love how you love each and every one, keep or sell. To cheeryou up, go to facebook page “standard poodles are great”. I am addicted already! Thank you for bringing Tommi and Tasche into our lives, we lovethem so much!

  2. #2 by Katja Hellings ne Balkas on September 9, 2013 - 10:26 am

    Dear Victoria -
    you have my heartfelt sympathy. I have meant to write to you before, but read that Annie was sick and didn’t want to add to your grief.
    Unfortunately, I had to say goodbye to Merlin (son of Tiara, bd fall 2005) on July 13. He suddenly died of a heart attack, which the vet contributed to a suspected tumor on his heart. This was undiagnosed and there were no previous symptoms. Like you, my heart is broken and I know how special Annie was to you. He was Merlin’s aunt, and she made a huge impression on us every time we visited with you (Merlin stayed with you several times when we traveled to Turkey and the Netherlands).
    I wanted to let you know about Merlin’s situation, although it isn’t a genetic condition, but still you may want to know.

    I wish you lots of strength to deal with your grief. For myself, I hang on to the pleasure of having had Merlin in my life and how much he enriched my life! Still, two months later the tears still flow…

    warmest regards,
    Katja Hellings (formerly Balkas)
    Apex, NC (formerly Reston, VA)

  3. #3 by Randal Joyner on September 9, 2013 - 2:30 pm

    Victoria, So sorry to hear about Annie. Hopefully, time will heal the wounds. Gorgeous photos of the other poodles, though!

  4. #4 by vlaw on September 9, 2013 - 4:26 pm

    Katja. Wow. I am so sorry to hear about Merlin. That is truly a shock. Way too young I remember Merlin as a very sweet boy. This stuff is difficult. Breeding is a roller coaster ride for sure. Right now I’m pretty down about Annie even though she was of the average age for them to go. Sigh… I’m am glad that Merlin made you happy and Im sure you gave him a wonderful life.

  5. #5 by Paula Goldman on October 4, 2013 - 6:51 am

    Storm is also mad for clementines. Whenever we peel one, she’s sitting at our feet, waiting for her segment. It’s definitely not a universal poodle thing, because Tomari won’t touch them. She shows up for the treat, tastes it, gives me the “what the heck is this” look, and drops it.

  6. #6 by Maria Salpietra on October 24, 2013 - 11:46 pm

    Victoria, I am so sorry for your loss. I know how much you love, love , love your dogs. You have been one of my mentors from the start and my heart hurts for all you have been through just to enrich the world with this glorious breed. I just bred two girls and neither took. I have been scratching my head, but as you say, it’s not for the faint of heart. Annie was a very special girl. I know she will remain in your heart forever. *hugs* – Maria

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