PJ is pregnant too…

Well, almost a repeat of about a year ago. Last December, Merry and PJ had their litters two days apart. This year it will be a bit farther apart, about two weeks as Merry is due around the 8th and PJ is due around the 24th. The vet counted 8 with today’s sonogram. Last year she counted 6 and PJ actually whelped 15. Unfortunately we lost 8 — just too many. And PJ is not a big eater and although normally she carries nice weight, with her pregnancy, she became thing with all those babies growing. So, this time we are going to try to keep her from doing that. Already trying different foods. Merry will eat anything and I usually give my pregnant girls both the cooked food I make and Wellness canned puppy food both of which the gobble up. Not PJ. She sometimes eats the cooked food well and often eats only about half the canned food. Today, she at the cooked food pretty well and ate up all the scrambled eggs I gave her and a good bit of turkey lunch meat. Then she ate half my dinner – baked potato and a piece of beef. Whatever it takes!!!

  1. #1 by Linda Hallman Hemphill on November 19, 2013 - 9:56 pm

    I’m so glad you’ll have a bit of a break! We remain in heaven with Sebby (short for Johann Sebastian Bach) — Merry/Mondo last year! He just passed his 11 month mark and is the best of the best for us. Thank you Victoria! And happy puppies to Merry & PJ!

    Barry and Linda

  2. #2 by vlaw on November 20, 2013 - 7:10 pm

    Give Sebby a big hug from his “Gramma” here…

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