PJ litter Update

All is fine.. Now… PJ delivered all her puppies from 1130 last night through 1 pm today. Delivered the first seven fairly fast but then stopped. I thought no please not a repeat of what we went thru with Merry. But no. She delivered the eighth one about four hours later and puppy number nine came about a half hour after that. Wince that what I was told they saw on her xray, I thought yay and after I made sure all were nursing well, I went to bed. Was awakened by my mom yelling for me because she thought PJ was trying to kill one of the pups. She was not but it took me a while to figure out what was going on. When I went for me nap, all seemed fine.mmi only slept about 1.5′hrs and now this one was doing poorly. – cold, seemed dehydrated, wouldn’t nurse. I ended up getting into the box to sit in there and work with this puppy. Yikes. I rubbed her to stimulate her circulation, I dried her saying to PJ, man you really bathed her, gave her SQ fluids, nutristat, tried to get her to nurse once dry and warm. No. I was befuddled as to why this would happen so suddenly and then I noticed there were ten puppies not nine!!! PJ had delivered a tenth. So,she was not trying to kill one, quite the opposite. It was wet and cold because it was just delivered. But, she did not rally and we lost her. My guess is she was in the birth canal too long. Sigh. I held the little thing to keep,her warm and stole her away from PJ so as not to upset her. Everyone else is doing fine including PJ although she is being her finicky self in deciding what to eat. Cooking chicken right now!!!

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