Baci is now a Certified Therapy Dog!!!!

Baci is a wonderful dog in many ways — sweet, smart, befutiful.  And now he is certified with the Delta Society – a prestigious certification indeed.  I was told by his “momma” (Debbie) that this certification is more difficult than some others and that Baci was the top scorer in 200 dogs tested that day.  Maybe Debbie will chime in with additional info.  So Proud!!!       Baci is to the left and Peri to the right. Just the other night at our poodle club’s meeting, I was saying how I love to hear about my dogs and their achievements — it is not just about my show champions.  Far more of my puppies have gone off to people and families and are living great lives never entering a show ring.  I have been very proud of the different things they have done.  From agility to therapy work to hunting duck, deer and bear.  I love to hear about them even if it is how they snuggle so perfectly with you too or something silly they have done.   I go on and on about my champs because that is my thing but hearing about Baci today, again, made me so proud.  So congratulations to Baci and to his really terriffic “momma” Debbie who put all the necessary energy and effort into making this happen.  They now go on to a rewarding career as a therapy dog team.

  1. #1 by Debbie on December 14, 2011 - 1:14 pm

    Awww- thanks Victoria for sharing our happy news. We feel so lucky to have your support, expertise and friendship throughout the years. Just a quick correction to the info. concerning the evaluation…there were far fewer than 200 dogs evaluated however, during the evaluation , approximately 75% of canadidates do not meet the standards. If anyone is interested in more information concerning Delta Therapy Dogs I would be happy to talk with you as there is a shortage of teams that do this gratifying work. Happy Holidays! Debbie

  2. #2 by vlaw on December 14, 2011 - 7:18 pm

    Thanks Debbie, I figured I’d get something wrong… But I know what I got right — that he is wonderful!!!

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