Merry is carrying ELEVEN!!!

OH MY GOODNESS. My darling Merry is carrying eleven as seen on the xray. We even saw what might be a twelvth although that was much less pronouned than the others so probably not – just a shadow. Eleven is quite enough. I was happy when we saw the seven on the sonogram!!! Only once before have I had this size litter. Peri, also a smaller girl, delivered eleven as her second litter. Unfortunately two were stillborn for no apparent reason. Hopefully, Merry’s will all be fine, but it does happen. So now I better get the puppy room ready!!!

  1. #1 by Maria Salpietra on January 6, 2012 - 11:14 am

    dang ! She didn’t get that from Spirit.. Good luck, Victoria!! Prayers and happy thoughts to you and Merry girl. What Mondo sure has the Mojo… Again, good luck and I’ll be following this for sure.

  2. #2 by Julia on January 7, 2012 - 5:38 pm

    I am so happy! Merry and Mondo…. What a wonderful litter !

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