Almost a Week Old

I used my phone and didn’t do so well.  But first of all, every puppy I picked up  squirmed and squiggled so much, this was the least blurry!!!!  And here are a couple snoozing. And a group, think there are five in there…   And one lone ranger!!! They turn a week already tomorrow.  All doing well.  Whew…

  1. #1 by Maria Salpietra on January 14, 2012 - 4:24 am

    My goodness! A week already. Seems like just yesterday! How are the others doing in FL shows?

  2. #2 by Gail on January 14, 2012 - 6:15 pm

    Love the pics! They are so sweet and have grown so much. Lots of good mothering happening!

  3. #3 by vlaw on January 14, 2012 - 9:22 pm

    So far, Maria – nothing in Florida. Questo has taken reserve to 5 pt major but Vivi walking out not placing — sort of surprised given how well she has done previously — three weekends of showing and only needs three minor points to finish but they aren’t looking at her there… oh well… However, at the Fredericksburg show yesterday my co-bred/co-owned Griffin son won. He now has 5 pts. His momma is a Diva/Marco daughter… and his half-sibling (same momma) is showing, first weekend out. Looks nice but not a show dog yet…

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