Reny — getting ready to breed to Mondo

Reny is out of my girl Jada (who is a Peri/Luca daughter) and sired by my boy Griffin. Jada is co-owned and lives with Julia and David who finished her as a puppy. Reny did very well taking a couple of Best Puppy in Specialty Shows and more to finish her championship a bit before turning a year. She is quite beautiful and of course a darling girl. Well, Julia fell in love with Mondo when he was all of about 8 weeks old. She and David co-own him for the main purpose of using his stud services with Reny. In preparation for all this, they got her testing done and voila, got back an OFA Excellent on her hips. Yay Reny.

  1. #1 by Maria Salpietra on April 14, 2012 - 6:11 pm

    Oh my, what a gorgeous girl! Takes my breath away.

  2. #2 by vlaw on April 23, 2012 - 7:01 pm

    HI Maria — Reny is quite beautiful. She did very well when out showing and was my fifth puppy champion!!!

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